Category: Cosmetics
Subcategory: Wellness and beauty
L’Erbolario was born in Lodi, in 1978, as an Award-winning Artisan Herbalist. Here, in the back of the small shop on Corso Archinti, Franco Bergamaschi and his wife Daniela Villa, founders of Erbolario, give life to their first cosmetics. Success was immediate: on the wave of word of mouth they collect more and more admirers, not only in the city. Between enthusiasm, sleepless nights, efforts, but also satisfying successes, time passes: L’Erbolario, from a small family-run business, is transformed into an internationally renowned company. From Lodi, even today, every day, fragrant loads of cosmetics leave for more than 5,000 herbalists and pharmacies with herbal departments throughout the country, but also to shops scattered all over the world.