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Present in Italy in 16 regions with 400 medical centers and 4 million patients a year, Cerba HealthCare currently performs around 30 million tests a year and more than 2,000 types of routine, basic specialist and advanced specialist tests in its laboratories . Since the first laboratory, born in 1967, the values ​​on which the diagnostic work of the Centers is based, today in 47 countries around the world, have remained unchanged.

Pursuit of excellence, commitment and innovation, but above all respect: of patients, team and partners. In the Cerba sampling centers it is possible to carry out numerous types of routine, basic specialist and advanced specialist tests. A laboratory service for public and private healthcare facilities that intend to have a reference center for diagnostic insights with a high technological and professional content

We insure around 300,000 radiology services every year; specialist visits provided by a team of qualified professionals and diagnostic tests in the various disciplines of medicine to more than 200,000 patients a year.

The presence of the professional figure of the sports medicine specialist in our centers allows for the development of various expertise in complementary and crucial areas for human health. Advising 15,000+ companies on every aspect related to occupational safety and prevention for 70,000+ workers

The offer of the new Cerba HealthCare medical center in Valmontone is very broad and innovative and starts from a deep-rooted conviction: ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS MAKES HEALTH PROGRESS.

Available services:

Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology and Bactereology, Toxicology, Hormonal Tests, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Prenatal Tests, Personalized Check-ups

Ultrasound Service, Mammography with Tomosynthesis, Moc Dexa, Traditional Radiology, Magnetic Resonance

Cardiology, Dermatology, Gynecology, Orthopedics, Psychiatry, Endocrinology, Internal Medicine



Via della Pace, Valmontone
inside the Valmontone Outlet – Phase 4